An adjective provides detail and description about the noun that follows it.
Adjective Declination
Adjectives can be grouped into two categories, those that end in -a, and those that don’t.
Based on this, there are 2 rules for adjective declination.
Rule 1
If the adjective ends in -a, it declines according to the gender and number of the noun it qualifies.
ye gora ladka haithis boy is fair
ye gore ladke hainthese boys are fair
ye gori ladki hathis girl is fair
ye gori ladkiyanthese girls are fair
Rule 2
If the adjective does not end with -a, it doesn’t change its form
vir ladkabrave boy
vir ladkebrave boys
vir ladkibrave girl
vir ladkiyanbrave girls
Repeated Adjectives
Sometimes when the subject is plural, the adjective is repeated for emphasis and good expression.
sundar-sundar phulbeautiful flowers
bade-bade makanbig houses
garam-garam rotiyanhot bread
mithe-mithe phalsweet fruits
Comparative and Superlative Degrees
Adjective | Emphasis | Comparative | Superlative |
achagood | bahut achavery good | se achabetter | sabse achabest |
kharabbad | bahut karabvery bad | se kharabworse | sabse kharabworst |
- Ram acha ladka haiRam is a good boy
- Shyam Ram se acha haiShyma is better than Ram
- Hari sabse acha ladka hariHari is the best boy
Sometimes superlatives are also expressed in the following way:
Expression | Literal Translation |
ache se achabest | better than good |
kharab se kharabworst | worse than bad |
mazbut se mazbutstrongest | stronger than strong |
kamzor se kamzorweakest | weaker than weak |
zada se zadamore than enough | more than more |
Adjectives in Pairs
Sometimes two adjectives similar in meaning are used as one phrase for emphasis and colorful expression.
- saf-suthraneat and clean
- maila-kuchailavery filthy
- sada-galarotten
For example: apka ghar kitna saf-sutra haihow clean is your house!