American born Indians like myself are a very unique and special ethnic group. But as the acronym goes, ABCDs (American Born Confused Desi's) do tend to be a little confused. For most of us, when we're young and in school, we identify ourselves as American only. However, as we get married and grow older, many decide they want to develop their Indian side more and connect with native Indians. That's how I feel now and that's why I made this site, to document my learning path so others can become more Indian too. If you find yourself in the same boat as me, then this site is just for you.
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Things I've Learned
The Meaning of Om
The Meaning of Om In Hinduism, the Sanskrit syllable Om, also spelled “Aum”, is a very sacred sound. It is
A Brief Tour of Hinduism
Introduction Unlike Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Hinduism has no founder. It also has no single religious book that serves as
Horoscopes Astrologers study the position of the planets very closely to provide horoscopes when a child is born. Ancient Hindus
Hindu Holidays
Hindu holidays, or festivals, fall into three main categories: Those commemorating the birth or triumph of a god or goddess
Hindi-English Dictionary: Verbs …
Hindi-English Dictionary: Adjectives …
Hindi-English Dictionary: Cooking …
Various Uses of the Word “tez”
Hindi-English Dictionary: Various Uses of the Word “tez” …
Other Useful Words and Phrases
Hindi-English Dictionary: Other Useful Words and Phrases …
Hindi-English Dictionary: Colors …